My Radio Interviews - Nigel Aves Photography

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On Air with KRFC 88.9

"This is Nigel Aves your host, and you are listening to Your Mother Wouldn't Like It"
"You are listening to KRFC 88.9 Fort Collins, a Little Homegrown Radio, and let's be honest, who doesn't like a little Homegrown!"
The Radio Show "Rational Alchemy" was created by by Brian Walsh, Jamie Folsom and myself, we used to do this show every week for about 15 minutes (live) and covered many of the ridiculous "things" that were being said or palmed off on the public. So it was a sceptical show. I named the show, and that's why I carried on the name to the video interview shows.

I was lucky to get some really interesting guests into the studio, these were for the much longer interviews I did.

The first one is interesting! I used to pop into Avogadro's Number for a quick pint before doing my show (if you want good live music this is the place), that is where I met Brian and Jamie (though Jamie was already tied in with the station). So the week before I did the following interview I announced to the Avo's crowd that next week there would be a porn star and production crew  popping in for a drink before recording the interview. I've NEVER seen Avo's so packed the next Saturday! So we went back in after the show, boy what a lot of free drinks we had.
Interview with Misty Haze and her production crew. Part 1.
Interview with Misty Haze and her production crew. Part 2.
Sadism and masochism were coined by the 19th-century German neurologist Richard von Krafft-Ebing—sadism in reference to Donatien-Alphonse-François, comte de Sade, also known as the Marquis de Sade, who described sadistic sexual acts in his novels.

Interview with David Blaine and Lady Violet Arcane on this subject, and their dungeon that just happens to be in the attic!
Interview with David Blaine and Lady Violet Arcane Part 1.
Interview with David Blaine and Lady Violet Arcane Part 2.
Interview with David Blaine and Lady Violet Arcane Part 3.
And now changing pace a little here's a couple of the shows that I produced in full
Radio Caroline on the Good Ship Venus, ummmm I mean MV Mi Amigo

Pirate radio in the UK first became widespread in the early 1960s when pop music stations such as Radio Caroline and Radio London started to broadcast on medium wave to the UK from offshore ships or disused sea forts. At the time, these stations were not illegal because they were broadcasting from international waters. The stations were set up by entrepreneurs and music enthusiasts to meet the growing demand for pop and rock music, which was not catered for by BBC Radio services.

Pirate radio in the United Kingdom has been a popular and enduring radio medium since it's start, despite expansions in licensed broadcasting, and the advent of both digital radio and internet radio. Although it peaked throughout the 1960s and again during the 1980s/1990s, it remains in existence today. Having moved from transmitting from ships in the sea to tower blocks across UK towns and cities, in 2009 the UK broadcasting regulator Ofcom (the British equivalent to the FCC here in the states) estimated more than 150 pirate radio stations were still operating.

Radio Caroline is a British radio station founded in 1964 by Ronan O'Rahilly and Alan Crawford initially to circumvent the record companies' control of popular music broadcasting in the United Kingdom and the BBC's radio broadcasting monopoly. Unlicensed by any government for most of its early life, it was a pirate radio station that never became illegal as such due to operating outside any national jurisdiction, although after the Marine Offences Act (1967) it became illegal for a British subject to associate with it.
The Pirate Radio Show Special.
At the end the final transmissions from Caroline as she sunk in a storm!
The Syd Barrett show. Played the Saturday after his passing.
The Pink Floyd Special, my final show on KRFC.
(and also with my daughter Vanessa)
This was a radio interview that the Rational Alchemy crew (Nigel Aves, Brian Walsh and Jamie Folsom) did with Phil Plait. The age of this interview is from 2008 / 2009. The James Randi Foundation is mentioned in the interview. Sadly the Foundation no longer (seems to) exists. Link to more information on The James Randi Educational Foundation.
A few photographs from KRFC with guests.
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All photographs displayed on Nigel Aves Photography are copyrighted on today's date by Nigel Aves Photography
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